Jason Beattie, Assistant Editor
The Mirror
Matthew McGregor, CEO
38 Degrees
Katherine Hill, Strategic Project Manager
4in10 London's Child Poverty Network
Sandra Beeton, CEO
AOPM - Communities for Youth Justice
Jonathan Pauling, CEO
Alexandra Rose Charity
Dr Cath Lowther, General Secretary
Association of Educational Psychologists
Zita Holbourne, National Co-Chair
Artists’ Union of England
Sarah Woolley, Secretary
Lynne Goodacre, Coordinator
Blackburn with Darwen Food Alliance
Alex Colas, Professor of International Relations,
Birkbeck, University of London
Brent Right to Food
Samayya Afzal, Policy and Public Affairs Coordinator
British Youth Council
Joseph Howes, Chief Executive
Buttle UK
Baz Ramaiah, Senior Associate
Centre for Education and Youth
Tim Lang, Professor Emeritus of Food Policy
Centre for Food Policy, City University of London
Torrin Wilkins, Director and Founder
Centre Think Tank
Dame Alison Peacock, CEO
Chartered College of Teaching
Kate Anstey, Project Lead
Child Poverty Action Group
Kathy Evans, CEO
Children England
Leigh Elliott, CEO
Children North East
Nicola Lyons, Research and Campaigns Coordinator
Citizens Advice County Durham
Hannah Cooper, Research and Campaigns Manager
Citizens Advice Newcastle
Nicole Hill, Social Value Manager
Clear Futures
Jacobo Belilty, Coordinator
Coalition of Latin Americans in the UK
Fabiola Maguiña Cortez, Comunidad
Comunidad UK
Dr. Carol Homden, CEO
Coram Group
Flora Richards, Teacher
Croxley Danes School
Maureen Holcroft, CEO
Daffodils Dreams
Anne Keenan, Assistant Secretary (Education and Equality)
Educational Institute of Scotland
Joseph Howes, Chair
End Child Poverty Coalition
Simon Francis, Coordinator
End Fuel Poverty Coalition
Zarah Sultana, Labour MP for Coventry South
Enough is Enough
Mary Olanrewaju, CEO
Equal Education Chances
Mark Choonara, CEO
Riana Brown, Group Communications Manager
Daughters of Charity Services
Alex Merron, Organiser
Devon Transformed
Coral Jones, Chair
Doctors in Unite
Gina Cicerone, CEO
Fair Education Alliance
Naomi Maynard, Good Food Programme Director
Feeding Liverpool
Mary McGrath, CEO
Victoria Williams, Director
Food Matters
Louise Davies, Founder
Food Teachers Centre
Ruth London, Director
Fuel Poverty Action
Charlotte McGill, Programme Manager
Future First
Gawain Little, General Secretary
General Federation of Trade Unions
Darren Knight, Chief Executive
George House Trust
Victoria Benson, CEO
Gary Smith, General Secretary
GMB Union
Revd. Ian Rutherford, Chair
Greater Manchester Food Security Action Network
Graham Whitham, CEO
Greater Manchester Poverty Action (GMPA)
Libby Fry, Secretary
Hackney South and Shoreditch CLP Women’s Branch
Matt Perry, Headteacher
Halifax Academy
Paul Donaldson, General Secretary
HCSA - the Hospital Doctors Union
Katherine Vesey, Executive Director
Sajid Mohammed, CEO
Himmah Food Bank
Sarah Cook, CEO
Home-Start HOST
Brian Thomas, Chief Executive
Hospitality & Hope
Karen Taylor, Food Inequality Officer
Anna Route, Development Officer
Hull Food Partnership
Lewey Hellewell, Founder/CEO
Humans MCR
Joe Sieber, Headteacher
Ickburgh School
Sabine Goodwin, Coordinator
Independent Food Aid Network
Bruna Boscaini, Director
Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organisation
Peter Billington, Secretary
Lancashire Association of Trades Union Councils
Carlos Huascar Tapia Montes, Director
Latin American House
Tom Harbour, CEO
Learning with Parents
Rabbi Dr Deborah Kahn-Harris, Principal
Leo Baeck College
Gemma Hope, Director of Policy
Leonard Cheshire
Brad Pearce, Chair
Local Authorities Caters Association
Kathleen Heather, Director
Love North Southwark
Ben Waldram, Headteacher
Lowdham Primary School
Lindsey Macdonald, CEO
Magic Breakfast
Jacqui Price, Headteacher
Chloe Russell, Assistant Headteacher
Monksdown Primary School
Naomi Pohl, General Secretary
Musicians' Union
Patrick Roach, General Secretary
Maddy Desforges, CEO
Anna Feuchtwang, Chief Executive
National Children’s Bureau
Daniel Kebede, General Secretary
National Education Union
Sam Henson, Director of Policy and Communications
National Governance Association
Julia Georgiou, General Secretary
National House Building Council Staff Association
Michelle Roach, Director
New Beginnings - Improving Lives
Anna Turley, Chair
North East Child Poverty Commission
Steve Chalke MBE, Founder
Jason Elsom, CEO
Farah Elahi, Interim Executive Director
Pembroke House
Peter Tatchell, Director
Peter Tatchell Foundation
Danielle Azanuwha, Director
Powerfull Beyond All Measure
Steve Gillan, General Secretary
Prison Officers Association
Molly Shaher, Chair
Professional Association of Catering in Education
Mark Serwotka, General Secretary
Public and Commercial Services Union
Matthew White, Chair
Public Sector Catering Alliance
Sarah Bailey OBE, Exec Headteacher
Queensbridge Primary School
Jane Webb, Communications Manager
Queens Hall Action On Poverty (The Brick)
Patricia Quigley, Treasurer
Right To Food London
Helena Houghton, Executive Director
Royal Academy of Culinary Arts Adopt a School Trust
Anna Kyrk, Deputy Headteacher
School 21
Andrea Silvain, Co-Headteacher
School 360
Sharon White, CEO
School And Public Health Nurses Association
Victoria Bond, Founder
School Guide UK
Martin Mayer, Secretary
Sheffield Trade Union Council
Richard Murphy, Professor of Accounting Practice
Sheffield University Management School
John McGowan, General Secretary
Social Workers Union
James Whiting, General Secretary
Socialist Educational Association
Laura Chan, Policy Officer
Soil Association
Kelsey Kelly, Research and Campaigns Coordinator
South Tyneside Citizens Advice
Rich Jones, CEO
St Andrew's Community Network
David Hobdey, CEO
St John's Foundation
Lucy Walker-Collins, Headteacher
Stroud Green School
Rajesh Makwana BEM, Executive Director
Sufra NW London
Nicola Noble, Co-headteacher
Surrey Square Primary School
Kath Dalmeny, Chief Executive
Andy Elvin, CEO
Guram Korkoti, Parliamentary Manager
The Big Issue Group
Laurence Guinness, Chief Executive
The Childhood Trust
Jo Wittams, Interim Executive Director
The Equality Trust
Charlotte Hill, CEO
The Felix Project
Alex Botha, Interim Chief Executive
Toynbee Hall
Tim Morfin, Founder and Chief Executive
Transforming Lives for Good
Alex Sutton, Programme Director
Trust for London
Kate Bell, Head of Rights, International, Social and Economics
Christina McAnea, General Secretary
Paddy Lillis, General Secretary
Ndidi Okezie, CEO
UK Youth
Dan Frith, Manager
Wandsworth Foodbank
Ruby Barnett, Food Partnership Coordinator
Wandsworth Food Partnership
Julie Kay, Project Coordinator
Wirral Older People’s Parliament
Bernadette King, CEO
Women's Enterprising Breakthrough
Debs McCahon, Chief Executive
Woodcraft Folk
Anela Anwar, Chief Executive
Mick Lynch, Secretary-General
J. Paul Wright, Public Health and Political Director
Children's Alliance
Erika Curren, Treasurer
Motherhood Manifesto
Cara Page, Headteacher
All Saints Primary School
Jamie Maloy, Headteacher
Grange Primary School
Alex Montegriffo
Devizes and District Foodbank