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A win for

Mayor Sadiq Khan has extended the Free School Meals scheme for every primary school child in London for good.
The emergency scheme launched in 2023 to help families with the cost-of-living-crisis. So far, over 280,000 children in the capital have received hot, healthy school dinners and the fuel they need to learn. Now, the scheme has been made permanent in London.

This is the future we want for all our children.


Every school day, children in London eat, learn and play together.

This is good news for London families. But across the country, our dinner halls are still divided and too many children are missing out on hot, healthy school dinners that would help them thrive in class.

Tell the Government: extend Free School Meals to all primary school children in England so that no child is left behind.


Which children will receive Free School Meals?
Every child attending a state primary school in London can now receive Free School Meals. 

In Southwark, Tower Hamlets and Westminster, some secondary school pupils will also be covered. Check with your school or local authority if you’re not sure whether this applies to you.
How is this making a difference?
In its first few months, parents, carers and educators reported that Free School Meals for All was having a positive impact.

Parents say it’s helping with the cost-of-living squeeze, and letting them rest easier knowing that their children are getting a variety of hot meals at school.

Educators report that it’s improving relationships with parents, helping with attendance, and easing the administrative burden of means-tested school meals.

Learn more from the joint report written by the National Education Union and Child Poverty Action Group.
Do I need to register?
Primary school children will receive Free School Meals automatically. However you should still fill out your school or borough’s registration form so that your school doesn’t miss out on funding.
I’m a parent/carer. How do I find out more?
You can find guidance and support for families on the Greater London Authority’s website.


Hear from London teachers, parents and councillors about why school food is part and parcel of a good education – and the difference Free School Meals for All is making across the city. 

Andrea Silvain, Co-Headteacher of School 360 talks about the difference Free School Meals for All makes for children.

Headteacher Reema Reid tells us why Hollydale Primary School puts food at the centre of learning.

Deputy Mayor of London for Children and Families, Joanne McCartney, explains why London is prioritising school food.

Let’s win thisFOr every


When children eat well, they learn better. Every child should have a hot, healthy school dinner every day. Scotland and Wales have already committed to this vision, and London’s scheme has been made permanent. 

But only the UK Government has the power to extend Free School Meals to every primary school child, in every part of England, for good.

Sign our open letter calling on THE Prime Minister to act.