We’re bringing the campaign for Free School Meals for All to every corner of the country. This summer term, educators, parents, school communities and civil society are coming together in a show of unity.

Whether you want to host a coffee morning, hand out leaflets, invite your MP to lunch at your local school, or collect signatures — there’s a way to take part.

Together, we’re taking action to make this issue impossible for the next Government to ignore.

where  we're going

Hundreds of schools and communities are coming together to demand an end to child hunger in our schools. Here are the towns, villages and cities where people are calling for Free School Meals for All.

Our National Tour van will also travel to schools in London before hosting an action outside Parliament in Westminster in July.
What are we asking for?
A hot, healthy school dinner, for every child in primary school, every day. 
What is the National Tour?
Educators and parents are coming together alongside school communities to call on the Government to deliver Free School Meals for All.

We’re putting this issue in the spotlight. From coffee mornings in workplaces, to lessons with our pupils, conversations at the school gates to inviting our MPs to lunch.

Some cities and towns will even get a visit from the Free School Meals for All National Tour van!
Why now?
One in five schools in England are running food banks.

One in four teachers have brought in food for hungry pupils last term. We're calling for better.

That starts with Free School Meals for all children in primary school. For our pupils, for families and for our whole education system.

who's BACKING  the campaign

Ed Sheeran
Dua Lipa
Kate Winslet
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Free School Meals for All is backed by over 300 civil society leaders — from medical professionals to faith leaders to trade unions to public figures.




A good education isn’t only about lessons. It stretches from the canteen to the classroom. Every child should have a healthy meal every day so they can concentrate in class and thrive.

We know this can be done because it’s being done already. For the first three years of school, every child in England gets a hot dinner. 

But from year three on, the Government stops Free School Meals for All. That means children as young as seven miss out on a school meal. 

We can and should do better for our children.